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Monday, June 07, 2010

Little by Little, Day by Day - Water Photo a Day 8

A stall is set up in front of a mud hut to sell small amounts of oil and coal. Mapalo, Zambia 2009
When Melanie and I returned from our field work last year, part of our learning curve was enhanced with something that Camille Dow Baker, founder and CEO of CAWST said to us; "Development is evolutionary, not revolutionary". It brought home the fact that it really is a step by step process, sometimes very baby steps, but always with the idea of moving forward. It aids in the realization that we cannot necessarily make huge alterations overnight, but, that we can little by little bring about change. This is not very different from how the people we met go about survival, it is on a day to day basis. Here in front of a small mud hut in Mapalo, a table is set up with wares to sell, just enough oil and coal to cook one meal, just enough as this is all most of the inhabitants of Mapalo can afford on a daily basis, until they somehow get enough money the next day to do it all over again. Having clean, safe water can make all the difference when survival hangs in the balance and is hinged upon stability of health. Losing work days due to water-borne iillness such as diarrhoea or cholera can vastly upset the delicate nature of survival.

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